
Portal is an iconic puzzle platform videogame with its main game mechanic involves using a portal gun to teleport to different parts of the map. In the videogame, you play as the character, Chell, who escapes a labaratory that has been taken over by a sentient robot. Since there has not been a movie recreation of the videogame, it was a fun challenge in coming up with the visuals for the movie title sequence.

Mood Board

Since there’s no movie recreation of the videogame, I instead looked at the videogame itself and tried to get the sense of the setting, game mechanics, and style. Clearly the game took a brutalist approach with the architecture and its key colors were the use of white, orange, and blue.


There are three styles I wanted to explore, such as the visuals focusing on the game mechanics of the game (use of portal guns), a physics based visual using programming, and a more abstract shape version. At the end, I decided to combine concept 2 and concept 3 to make my own unique vision of the project.

Programming Details

I also study computer science and thought this project would be a way for me to combine both my art and programming skills. Using p5.js, which is a javascript library used in creative coding, I was able to make the visuals in the beginning of the video.
